“To Empower, Strengthen and Enlighten the young mothers of our community”

Our Organization

Ladies Who Believe Inc is an non profit organization that was created in January 2016 by Founder Ebone Gedeon who has been working with children and families in the Brooklyn community for over 15 years. Ebone being a single mother at the age of 22 knew the struggles of being a young mother and trying to find your way. As a reuslt she decided to begin holding Diaper Showers in the Brooklyn community for young mothers who were in need of assitance with resources such as diapers, clothing and other baby necessities by connecting the young families with community based organizations

Our Team

Through our Diaper Shower and other yearly events our goal is to build relationships within the community and link the young women to their community based organizations as a way to build strong families in our communities. Also to contine to educate the young mothers in the community on the importance of raising healthy children by utilizing and identifying their supoort system.